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For the selection of a consultant (firm) for the for the Preparation of a Feasibility Study and elaboration of a Plan for the setup of an Onshore Power Supply System for Berthing Vessels at Port Louis Harbour, Mauritius

⦁ The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is an intergovernmental regional cooperation organization which brings together the Union of the Comoros, France, on behalf of Réunion, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles. Its mission is to strengthen the bonds of friendship and solidarity between peoples and to contribute through regional cooperation to the sustainable development of its member states. The IOC has received a grant from the World Bank to support the SWIOFish2 regional project. It intends to use part of this grant to make payments under the Consultant (firm) contract " for the Preparation of a Feasibility Study and elaboration of a Plan for the setup of an Onshore Power Supply System for Berthing Vessels at Port Louis Harbour, Mauritius.".
⦁ The Consultant's mission is to evaluate the available options for in-berth vessel emission reductions at the Cruise Terminal of Port Louis Harbour. The scope is intentionally broad, aiming to cover a wide range of options to ensure the best available method is selected and implemented. In particular, the scope includes:

For full details about the public tender, click on Read more





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