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02.04.2022 - for the selection of a consultant (firm) Country: MAURITIUS – Indian Ocean Name of Project: SECOND SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN FISHERIES GOVERNANCE AND SHARED GROWTH PROJECT (SWIOFish2) Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.

IDA-Grant Number D1720 Assignment Title: Consultant (firm) for the establishment of a regional collaborative web platform dedicated for the emergence of enterprises and innovative projects to promote circular economy and reduce marine pollution in the African and Indian Ocean Developing Island States (AIODIS). Reference No.

SW2/Y5-C015 1. The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is an intergovernmental regional cooperation organization which brings together the Union of the Comoros, France, on behalf of Réunion, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles. Its mission is to strengthen the bonds of friendship and solidarity between peoples and to contribute through regional cooperation to the sustainable development of its member states. The IOC has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the SECOND SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN FISHERIES GOVERNANCE AND SHARED GROWTH PROJECT (SWIOFish2) regional project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services

For more details click here AMI SW2 Y5 Web Plataforma





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